This is a Brown Midrib Pearl Millet hybrid that offers great flexibility to producers thanks to its later maturity and increased harvest window. It also has a high tillering capacity.
This hybrid has a high level of palatability, which makes it an excellent choice for grazing and well suited for hay. It is a late maturing hybrid with panicle emergence at about 30 days later than other pearl millets. The longer harvest window allows the producer to maintain quality while waiting for greater yield than conventional pearl millets.
This plant brings large amounts of potash up from the subsoil, making it available for the next crop. It adds about 10 to 30 tons of organic matter to the soil.
Prime 360 BMR Pearl Millet is a drought-friendly plant. Ideal pH is between 5.8 and 7.0, with an ideal soil temperature of 65 °F. The seed is best planted during the warm period between April and August, at a depth of 1/4”. Add a total of 120 lbs. of Nitrogen per acre— 30 lbs. at planting and 90 lbs. at sidedness time. Also add 60 lbs. of Phosphorus and 80 lbs. of Potash. It will grow fast, with about 45 days to grazing, but will also grow 30 days longer than other millets in the Southeast. Prime 360 will stay soft all season, not getting tough-as-a-broomstick such as other millets. For fast regrowth, never graze below 8 inches above the ground.
Here’s what you can expect when you plant Petcher Seeds’ Prime 360 BMR Pearl Millet.
Scientific Name:
Pennisetum glaucum
Seed Count:
14,000 seed / LB.
Prime 360 BMR Pearl Millet can be planted from April through August.
Planting Rate:
5 to 20 LBs. / acre