Hairy Vetch is a cold weather legume that serves as a great companion plant to oats or rye.
This is an excellent nitrogen building plant, as a legume. Planted with oats or rye, it serves to improve the forage nutrition of grass hay.
Hairy Vetch occupies a wide range of soils and is also very forgiving in terms of pH. It is best planted with a soil temperature of 50°F or above. The seed is best planted between September and December, at a depth between 1” and 2”. It will not require Nitrogen help, but Phosphorus and Potash will help based on a soil test. This is a vine that will grow between three and six feet in height.
Here’s what you can expect when you plant Petcher Seeds’ Hairy Vetch.
Scientific Name:
Vicia villosa
Seed Count:
Hairy Vetch can be planted from September through December.
Planting Rate:
10 LBs. / acre, 2 – 3 LBs. / acre as part of a mix